• Question: What's your favourite part of your job?

    Asked by hargrover to Paige, Amit, Emily, Joanne, Martin on 15 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by daviesl3.
    • Photo: Paige Brown

      Paige Brown answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      Hi hargrover!

      hmmm….. I think that my favorite part of my job is starting a new science story and talking to the scientist or engineer involved. In that first interview with the scientists, I learn so much! I learn all about his or her research, and try to put the pieces into a story that any student could understand. It is great fun! 😉

    • Photo: Emily Bullen

      Emily Bullen answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      For me it’s the diversity. I work with lots of different people, doing lots of different stuff. I think I’d get bored if I was doing only one type of work (I do work in the laboratory, work modelling on my computer, and work on the manufacturing plant).

    • Photo: Martin Wallace

      Martin Wallace answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      Sitting down to start a new project with a completely blank sheet and being able to come up with as many ideas for a new design as possible. When we’re coming up with new products we try to think of as many wierd and wacky ideas as possible. Most of them won’t be practical or easy to make, but often part of the idea will be able to be used to develop a much better product.
      It’s possible to be quite imaginative and creative in engineering.

    • Photo: Joanne Davies

      Joanne Davies answered on 20 Mar 2012:

      The best part of my job is the variety. 🙂

      I especially love learning about new products, materials and processes.

      I find the foundry very exciting with all the molten metal and the hot atmosphere.

      I also find it very exciting in some workshops with 25ft high water laser machines that cut through metal! That is amazing.

      I love watching the lost wax process as well.
      They use that to make intricate parts.
      Have a look on youtube at the process.

      Truly fascinating!. 🙂

    • Photo: Amit Pujari

      Amit Pujari answered on 20 Mar 2012:

      I would say variety of things (subjects) I work with and get to know is the best bit.

      For example so far I have worked or atleast touched upon following areas:

      Mechanical engineering- mechanical vibrations, mechanical design, biomechanics

      Electrical engineering- medical instrumentation, medical signal, medical image, medical physics

      Physiology: neural+muscular physiology, neuroscience, bones and joints…..orthopaedics……etc
